
Vagif Poetry Days was opened in Shusha, the cultural capital of the Turkish world

24 May 2023

On July 14, the Vagif Poetry Days were opened in front of the museum-mausoleum complex of Molla Panah Vagif in Shusha. The opening ceremony was attended by representatives of the government, prominent representatives of scientific and cultural sector, members of the Azerbaijan Writers' Union, young writers and poets. People's writer Chingiz Abdullayev, first deputy chairman of the Azerbaijan Writers' Union, addressed the participants and expressed utmost happiness of joining such a great event in Shusha. Stating that the Vagif Poetry Days are organized every year, Mr. Abdullayev spoke of Molla Panah Vagif's creativity: "We are proud that we had poets like Nasimi, Vagif, Mikayil Mushfiq, Huseyn Javid who never compromised their values. Our poets and writers have always been like that. Today we convened at the mausoleum of our great poet. On behalf of the Azerbaijan Writers' Union, I thank each of you, because this is the appreciation of the state and the people. Without such writers, there would be no Azerbaijani literature today. Everyone wants to visit Shusha as this city is the heart of Azerbaijan. I believe that these holidays held here will last forever and the foot of the enemy will never touch these lands."

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