
Shusha has been declared the Cultural Capital of the Turkic World for 2023

10 Mar 2023

The city of Shusha, founded by Panahali Khan in 1752, was one of the important centers of the historical, cultural, social and political life of Azerbaijan. Shusha, which was the capital of the Karabakh Khanate and the main defense fortress for many years, was also a favourable city for country's cultural life. The city of Shusha, built in the style of eastern architecture, consists of 17 quarters, where each had own mosque, bath and spring. Different craftsmanship and art masterpieces represent the main spirit of Shusha people. Videos about the history and revival of our cultural center freed from occupation were shared during the event. Then Shusha, the Cultural Capital of Azerbaijan, was declared the "Cultural Capital of the Turkic World" for 2023.

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